Hi my name is Baylee my favourite subject is reading and i like to play outside with my friends and I like to dance and sing and I like to lern new things.
Monday, 7 December 2020
Friday, 4 December 2020
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Colours can make us fell happy or sad and they can make us fell hungry or relaxed. red orange and yellow Are all warm colours. warm colours make us happy. how ever yellow red and orange can also mean danger. Red can also make you fell hungry. cool colours include green, blue, and purple. cool colours are usually Calming but can also mean sadness. purple can mean creativity as it is a mix of blue and red.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Kandinsky thought that shapes and colours buy themsives were art. he felt he could express fellings and music through colours and shapes and his painting. he through that yellow sounded like a trupet and that some colours could be put to gefter could sounded like piano.
When Mondrian made his paintings, he wold always mix his own colours, and never yews the pant directly Out of a tube. he ofinlee yews primary colours red yellow and bule to keep his paintings pure and simple.
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Monica is happier Michael.
That is the heaviest rock in the garden.
Maths is easier for her than Science.
The ice cream is colder then the cookie.
I am drinking the largest lemonade on the table.
Monday, 30 November 2020
Friday, 27 November 2020
The children were all sad.
The towels were all dry.
John picked an apple from the tallest tree.
The old man bought a newspaper.
Sammy drank a glass of cold milk.
The books were on the bottom shelf.
Jane's bedroom is very clean.
Auntie drives en new car.
Mike has sort hair.
I cannot believe how lite this room is.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Friday, 13 November 2020
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
On Firday moring our school went to asdill because it was aflixts. so after asbili our school went out side And did our aflixts. the girls went with miss wesin and 1 thing was shotpout but my favourite game was Runing and at the end of aflixts we went to the field and wasde the fealpalys and the teacher were runing. To I felt so happy because it was fun and after the reallplays that was the end of the day.
Monday, 9 November 2020
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Every Tuesday morning room l9 and 20 go to kiwi sport at kiwi sport we do boxing and our coach name Pax is a boxer but there is 3 rules 1 rule dispalun rule 2 safftde rule 3 respit those are the rules all the rules So then Pax side get into 2 peras I went with kisa so we got our guls on and me and Kisa got readlly and Then the game went like this so one of our pers had to be the boxer and one of use had to de the coach so After kiwi sport it was morning tea.
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Choosing Adjectives
Sam is the older then john.
That is a very small car.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
This is the warmest blanket in the house.
Mike is happiest that Tim right now.
That was the biggest sundae l've ever eaten.
Katie ran even faster then I did.
July is the coldest month of the year.
miss king is the nicest teacher in the school.
Garfield Punctuation
'' I got a letter from my brother''.Jon explains to Garfield.
''It’s in secret code, just like when we were kids.''
''What’s it say?''
''Whoever reads this is a poo-poo head.''
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Monday, 2 November 2020
Going To The Pools
On the weekend I went to the pools then we arrived I me and my brother went to go and get cage .first me And my brothers got celend before we get in the pool .then we got in the pool and after that my dad side it Time to go .finally we got home and I was so tirder so I went to sleep.
Friday, 30 October 2020
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Skiping Rop
Today on a sunny Thursday in the morning room 19 and 20 went out to play a game. and the game was A About spking it was so fun and 1 kid from each team had to run. wall spking but when the game was over i Felt sad. because the game was so fun so after room 19 and 20 went back to class.
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
John cleaned his filthy bedroom.
My mum made some magnificent cookies.
Do you see any little bird?
I went to the shop to buy big flowers.
Miss king drives her old car to school.
Sarah looked for her young dog.
I have a little Halloween mask.
There is a beautiful painting on the wall.
The angry cat is sitting on the mat.
The short kids are nearly asleep.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Sequencing a Story
Today at school we went out side to play a game the game was alimonsashon tag first my teacher side who Was the tagers and after that we all run to the park and then miss side 3 2 1 go then I saw that my friends fall Over but she got up and ran then I got tag so I got off the park and went to sat down finally the game was Over and we all liend up and went back to calss I falt hot
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Sequencing The Story
The bell rang for lunch so I wait for the hand santizer when I got my hand santizer then I got my lunchbox First I ate all of my lunch after that my friends and me quickiy run to the park finally the bell rang again and I run back to class.
Garfield Punctuation
Jon holds up the empty yellow plate and says..
'’There were 3 dozen cookies on this plate’’
‘’And now they’re gone!’’
Garfield thought for a minute before pointing at the plate and saying.
Friday, 16 October 2020
Line Tag
On a sunny morning my class lined up to go out side to play a game. The game was line Tag. so my class. Sat down The teacher told the class kids to run around the post The kids were pushing each other so when The kids finished we played the game we were running on the yellow lines There were taggers that come After the game we lined up. then went back to class.
Garfield Punctuation
Garfield and Jon dash excitedly for the delicious hot dog. ''Ha! I beat you to it''.Exclaims Jon as their hands reach for the hot dog at the same time.Uh, ''Garfield. Would you mind taking your claws out of my hand''?Asks Jon clearly in pain.
Jon and Garfield are standing together outside a mouse hole.
Jon angrily shouts at Garfield.
''You are a cat!
his house.
head in despair.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Seqyencing A Story
Friday, 25 September 2020
Where did you get your shoes from?
Your're trying really hard.
When is your birthday?
Is that your coat?
Your welcome to share my colouring pencils.
Eat and apple if you're hungry.
I saw your mum yesterday.
Do you know where you're going on holiday.
Don't forget your manners.
you're a lovely young girl.
On your marke, get set, go!
When you're feeling better, we will go to the beach.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Calvin and Hobbes Punctuation L1
Calvin and Hobbes where lying in bed when Calvin suddenly sits up. ''Any monster under my bed Tonight?'' he screams. ''no, hope not''come the ghostly whispers from under the bed.'' well, there,d better Not be. l,d hate to have to torch one of you with my flame Thrower.'' shouts Calvin standing on the edge of His bed. ''you have a flame thrower'' Hobbes ask skeptically. ''they lie. lie''. whispers Calvin from under the Covers ''wanna see something weird''? says Calvin while putting his bread into the toaster. ''watch. you put The bread in this slot and push down the lever.''Calvin ask Hobbes while standing in the kitchen. the Toaster bread flies up into the air and Calvin shouts. ''then in few minutes toaster pops up''! ''wow. where Does the bread go''? replies Calvin beats me. ism't that weird''? ask Hobbes.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Monday, 21 September 2020
Scrambled Sentences
Today we are writing how to make a sandwich.
First we get tow pieces of bread.
Next you butter the slices of bread.
After that put tow pieces down of ham.
Add some tasty cheese on the ham.
Finally your in to much yummy sandwich.
Friday, 18 September 2020
There is a doll on the couch.
There is a plant behind the couch.
There is a cat under the table.
There is an apple beside the bed.
There is a mouse beside the table.
There is a robot on the bed.
There is a ball on the chair.
There is a lamp beside the couch.
There is a picture on the wall.
The window is behind the couch.
The bike is beween the table
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Charlie brown shouts from the top of the pitcher's mound.''Lucy. look out for the fly ball!'' Lucy. walks up To charlie.'' what did you say?'' she asks. ''I said look out for the fly ball!'' charlie replies while Lucy walks Off ''thank you!''. Exclaims Lucy as the ball hits her in the head Linus are watching TV late one night. ''I Thought you where going to study'' ''for a history test.'' Lucy says to Linus. ''I don't have to....''i'm just Going to put the book under my pillow.'' replies Linus as he head off to bed. Linus places the book under His pillow and says to himself. ''during the night the answers will seep upward through the pillow'' Linus Snuggles down under the covers and whispers.''I hope!
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
scrambled sentences
Today we are writing about what we do at school.
First we put our bag and lunchbox away.
Next we do the waiata and karakul.
we do our reading and writing in the morning.
After morning tea we do our maths.
After lunch we do art or inquiry.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Friday, 11 September 2020
Cross Country
On a dark cloudy morning Team 4 went out on the field to see our new cross country track because Tomorrow it is cross country race I was so nervous because it like 1 kilometre we have red flags that we have To run a round. if we the flags but my feet were cold when we went a round the corner it smelled Like dog poo. next we went back to class passing through the gate.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
''where should we go on ''our vacation, Garfield.'' Garfield continues eagerly. ''the kitchen.'' Replies Garfield enthusiastically ''I don't know way I talk to you to you'' say's Jon as he walks away in defeat. ''We Can set up a tent'' next to the refrigerator.'' Jon asks Garfield Excitedlly. Jon scrams as a giant meatball Rolls Across the table towards him.''save me ! it's a giant meatball ''from outer space.'' Garfield marches in with His fork. ''never fear the meatball Inator is here! Declares Garfield ready to eat all of a sudden Garfield is Awoken from his nap''I hat waking up.'' He sighs Sadlly.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Monday, 7 September 2020
Scrambled Sentences
Today we are wring how to be kind to be a good friend.
Good friends say kind words to each other .
They say sorry when they have done something wrong.
Good friends take turns and share their things.
It is always kind to include others.
Friday, 4 September 2020
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Adjechijes and Nous
Slow snail Example.. If you want the job done'don,t ask James. He,s as slow as a snail Sione looked
Giant whale out of boat. The whale was as giant as a Rugby Field. Mr Vogt opened The tank. the eel was as
Fast cheetah Slimy as mud. the tiny black insects crawled up the hill the Ant was as tiny as a crumd.
Tiny Ant The animals walked through the green jungle the cheetah was as fast as a ferrari. the children
Slippery worm went to the Aquarium the fish was as scay as a mermaids tail. The birds flew through
Slimy eel The treetops of Rio DE Janeiro. the parrot was as colourful as a rainbow. she dug Through
Colourful parrot The mud in the garden. the worm was as slippery. as snot.
Scaly fish
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Garfield - Punctuation
Garfield and Jon stare wearily at their morning coffee.. "My iced coffee is cold.'' Jon questions. ''Duh Jon.'' quips Garfield. Garfield waits patiently for Jon to realise what he has said ''And there's ice in it" says Jon feeling so confused. Garfield slammed his face down into the table in despair.
Garfield is lying asleep on the table while Jon grasps his morning coffee.''We should do some thing. '' Jon suggests wearily as turns away, Garfield replies. ''Yes we should .'' Jon looks back at Garfield and suggest again mentioned "We should do some thing right." Garfield points at the ceiling and declares. ''Which counts as doing something."
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Monday, 31 August 2020
Scrambled sentences.
It is important to wash your hands well.
We must stay one metre from others.
You should wear a face mask on the bus.
We should not share drink bottles with others.
It is important to be kind to other.
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Monday, 10 August 2020
Friday, 7 August 2020
The great pyramids of Egypt
The pyramids of Egypt are amung the pagest structures ever built and is one of the most important examples of Ancient Egyptian civilization. The ancient Egxptiant built the pyramids and tombs for the pharaohs and Their Queens. The pharaohs where buried in pyramids of Differeht sizes. The pyramids were built be tween 5000 and 200 years ago.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Captain Underpants
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Saturday, 1 August 2020
Friday, 31 July 2020
The Great Wall of China - dictation
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Monday, 27 July 2020
Cause and Effect
2 He had nothing to wear because all The clothes where dirty.
3 Someone came to the boor and the dog began to bark.

5 Tom ate dinner because he was hungry.
6 The baby cried and so mum gave her a bottle.
7 Our football team won because Sam scored 3 goals.
8 Bob fell over a rock and hurt his hand.
Sally ate too much KFC and a tummy.
Friday, 24 July 2020
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Scrambled sentences
Sunday, 5 July 2020
Level 2 at School
This is how we have fun at level 2 we had to keep our chairs. during breaks we ate at our tables then we went outside.
Scrambled sentences
The weather outside is rainy and cold.
Please leave your smelly shoes outside.
Tomorrow my family is having dinner out.
Scrambled Sentences
The wind is very blowing strongly outside.
Last night the band played very loudly.
I always try to speak kindly to my friends.
When I ride my bike I always ride carefully.
Sonic speech marks
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
I thew a pebble in the lake.
Sam knows so many silly jokes.
will you tell me a tale grandpa.
Sarah bedroom is very tidy.
Ed makes goofy faces.
I like Eating ice cream during the summer.
The children at the park played baseball.
Put your plate in the sink when you're done.
Perhaps we can go outside after lunch today.
You should begin your science project to night.
Monday, 29 June 2020
Scrambled sentences
Yesterday I rode my dike down the road.
Tomorrow I will go and see my grandparents.
Last Monday my family went out to dinner.
Today I went on the bikes at lunchtime.
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Monday, 22 June 2020
Friday, 19 June 2020
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
The giant turtle dictation
Friday, 12 June 2020
Have you ever seen a giraffe at your door?
There is an extra large pizza in my cupboard.
Please keep your feet off the chair.
The courier left the package at my door.
Do you know a lizard crawled on my head?
Kiwisport recount
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Friday, 5 June 2020
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Sentence Unscramble

When we go to the beach I go swimming.
Last week it rained and rained almost everyday.
I am a superhero because I give super hugs.
My pajamas are so soft warm and cuddly.